deep: complex and compelling

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5 days ago

In this episode of Studios, host RC JedidiYah delves into the concept of judgment and governance as taught by the Torah. JedidiYah emphasizes the importance of men taking responsibility to judge justly, contend for righteousness, and make decisions based on the teachings of YHVH. He discusses the significance of living boldly, asserting oneself in life, and the role of sacrificial giving versus bribery. RC JedidiYah challenges men to lead their households by cleaving to YHVH and the Torah rather than conforming to societal pressures or appeasing others. The episode provides a comprehensive guide to understanding and applying Torah principles in daily life, particularly in the context of justice, sacrificial giving, and righteous leadership within the home.

Sunday Sep 08, 2024

In this episode of Studios, hosted by RC JedidiYah, the discussion centers around serving YHVH according to the teachings and principles outlined in the Torah. The episode explores the significance of vows, particularly their deep, unbreakable attachment to the soul, and the inherent responsibilities they entail. JedidiYah reflects on the journey through the Torah, emphasizing its role in providing identity, heritage, and healing. The script delves into the themes of consistency in worship and the necessity of embracing both the exciting and redundant parts of the Torah. By likening our life journey to the Sons of Israel and their movement and encampment as described in the Midbar (Numbers), JedidiYah highlights the importance of moving forward, embracing change, and remaining steadfast in faithfulness as a continuous process. This continuity is compared to the growth and stress cycle seen in muscle development, illustrating the importance of enduring struggles and rebuilding stronger.

Vaetchanan: (p3) Olives Let Go

Wednesday Aug 28, 2024

Wednesday Aug 28, 2024

In this episode from Studios, RC JedidiYah emphasizing Moshe's (Moses) humble plea to YHVH (God) and the multidimensional aspects of divine mercy and discipline. The episode delves into the consequences of disobedience, the importance of adhering to YHVH's commandments, and the broader effects of obedient and disobedient lifestyles on generations. JedidiYah highlights Yahweh's characteristics of mercy, compassion, grace, and truth. The script also underscores the importance of not adding or taking away from the Torah, maintaining the purity of the commandments, and striving for a covenant relationship with YHVH characterized by obedience and submission. The episode ends with a call to action for listeners to live according to YHVH's statutes and commandments, the Torah promises wisdom and understanding based on Truth as a reward for their faithfulness.

Vaetchanan: (p2) Stooping Down

Wednesday Aug 21, 2024

Wednesday Aug 21, 2024

In this episode of Studios, the focus is on Torah teaching number 45, Vaetchanan, which means 'I pleaded'. The teaching explores the moment when Moshe (Moses) pleads to YHVH (God), reflecting on themes of Grace and Mercy. It delves into the concept of YHVH showing favor by inviting His people into the Covenant. RC JedidiYah emphasizes Moshe’s humility and the transformative nature of the Torah, which guides life decisions and all spiritual convictions. Despite his impending death, Moshe reveals that he has only begun to understand YHVH’s greatness, showing that the journey of understanding the Torah continues throughout life. The teaching concludes by highlighting YHVH’s Mercy, even in moments of disobedience. The aim is to encourage listeners to stay humble, live the Torah, and seek a transformational relationship with YHVH by entering into Covenant.

Tuesday Aug 20, 2024

In this episode of Zaraben Studios, RC JedidiYah delves into Torah Teaching #45, he explains that this teaching captures the essence of the Torah's requirements for keeping vows and explores the concept of choosing life over death as per YHVH's desires. RC Jedidiah discusses the personal nature of Torah and the significance of making and keeping vows to YHVH. He also addresses the importance of maintaining a submissive, obedient relationship to YHVH and understanding one's identity through the Torah. 

Sunday Aug 18, 2024

In this episode of Studios, RC JedidiYah delves into the 3rd teaching in this mini series known as HaDaBarim (The Word), which focuses on the Word or the Final Speech of God. The discussion touches on the importance of understanding the commands and instructions of YHVH, the significance of choosing the right Torah of the Lamb which is the Torah of the Father. Israel made the mistake, in the wilderness, by choosing ease and deception over truth and trust in God. The episode emphasizes the necessity of impartial judgment, the need to hear and judge cases righteously without favoritism, and the duty to act as judges in accordance with God's commandments. The teaching also reflects on the story of Moshe appointing leaders, the rebellion of the Sons of Israel against God's commands, and the consequences of failing to trust and obey YHVH. RC JedidiYah stresses the importance of submitting to God's will, understanding and applying the Father’s Torah, and the dangers of disobedience.

Thursday Aug 15, 2024

In this teaching episode from Studios, RC JedidiYah discusses the importance of genuine worship and commitment to doing the Torah. He elaborates on the concept of 'HaDabarim' – the Word(s) of God – underscoring that merely knowing or superficially practicing the Torah is insufficient. JedidiYah highlights historical examples, such as the Sons of Israel's failure to change despite adhering to rituals, and emphasizes the dangers of false worship exemplified by the false religions of Golden Calf and Ashtaroth, which are today's world religions. The core message is the need for true submission and transformative change according to the Torah, YHVH's Word(s), which involves constant self-improvement and fighting for the promised blessings. RC JedidiYah concludes by encouraging the Sons and Daughters of Israel to remain steadfast and supportive of one another in their journey back to YHVH, the One True God.  

Sunday Aug 11, 2024

RC Jedidiyah of Studios presents an in-depth teaching on Deuteronomy 1, emphasizing its role as a reminder and a study guide of the Torah. He explores the meaning of Ha Davarim (The Word), the importance of the Commandments, and the lessons from the Sons of Israel and their journey, highlighting the spiritual principles of steadfastness and full submission to YHVH. Jedidiyah warns against seeking shortcuts in spiritual growth, arguing that true understanding and peace come through a committed, lifelong process of submission and change. He specifically addresses the temptations of wealth and inward deceit that can derail one's spiritual journey and the necessity of daily engagement with the Torah; to maintain one’s rightful identity as a son or daughter of Israel. 

Thursday Aug 08, 2024

Welcome to Studios, where we teach the Torah. My name is RC Jedidiyah. I want to thank you for tuning in to listen, learn, and grow. In this episode, we will be talking about the following.  We are looking at change, what rebellion looks like, and how rebellion starts with compromise, this slow walk to a place where you end up being in a place where, ultimately, you lose your way.
Everyone comes from a challenge. And it's overcoming those challenges and becoming submitted to the Torah, becoming transformed by the Torah, and seeing the world through YHVH's eyes. 
These are opportunities for you to learn. These are opportunities to see the blind spots and the areas you need to correct to become more submitted.
Phinehas embodies the zeal of YHVH. He puts the words of YHVH into practice. He is someone who takes the zeal of YHVH into his own hands, and he embodies it; he has that different spirit, the steady one that holds fast, holds the line, is patient, slow to move, operates in the fullness, he is dedicated, he is whole, and he is complete. 
So, when you look at it, it is the covenant that brings you peace. When you look at Phinehas's name, you learn to understand; you have to learn by experience; you have to diligently observe, and you have to do the commandments.  
If you want to find and acquire the covenant of YHVH's peace. You've got to learn to be zealous. You've got to learn to embody the zeal, the passion, and the desire to apply the Torah. 
You're not going to get there by not doing.  You have to be all-encompassing. That's how you get to the covenant of peace. My name is RC Jedidiyah. Thank you for listening to Studios. Until next time, stay submitted. 


 Zaraben: THE RETURN

Takes you on a journey back to the beginning. This is a deep dive into Scripture. Complex but simplified into a compelling way that leads one to the ultimate question in life. Who am I?

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